Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fashion Police: Christa

This dress fits Christa to a T! I would have chosen a different bag, maybe a cocktail bag. I'm in love wth pillbox hats as you know so the hat is just the icing on the cake for me. The hat was the defining moment for this look, I love that she added this key item to give the look a direction! Other than the bag I would have loved this dress in black. But as a whole the look is very lady sings the blues meets woman on Fifth Ave.... Overall Grade B+

Christa's choice in colors with this look is amazing!!! I absoutely love the pop of orange added to the look! Again, this is a look where a necklace was definetly needed, nothing major just a gold link. The sleeves are FABULOUS & she allows the sleeves to be the focus! And I'm loving how well Christa works a dress... Overall Grade A=

So Christa definetly switched it up & went conservative on this one, this is a look alot of women can pull off and Christa must have a fab tailor because all of her clothes look perfectly fitted! I would have loved a more dramtic belt and a more severe shoe. Only because it lacks color maybe a pink or red belt or just a red shoe... Overall Grade C 

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